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in Q2A Core by
Both urls are valid, the have same id:



So if somebody links to url1 and url2 google thinks i have duplicate content, which is true.

A test has to be ncluded like this (Psyeudo code)

$question = loadQuestion($id);
$myDesiredUrl = formatDesiredUrl($question['title']);

if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != $myDesiredUrl) {
// hmmh: redirect and/or canonical
} else {
// everything okay url is my desired url

I think the core-system has to insetr such code. If I want to do it myself, where should this code be located?
Q2A version: 1.5.4

1 Answer

+1 vote
It is not considered as duplicate content by search engines, google for "canonical meta tag" and check your source code. You will always have one unique url, independently from the requested URL.

see also posts:


Yes, the canonical tag is there but in google webmastertools the two urls are listed as duplicate titles.