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+6 votes
in Q2A Core by
I would like to know if it is possible to  integrate this script  with wordpress -joomla users database  .
Even I would like to know how to integrate with Vbulletin forum.

2 Answers

+1 vote
You can do this with the single sign-on integration option, but it requires manual coding at this time. On the roadmap is a plan to provide built-in integrations with several content management systems, so please be patient!
+4 votes
edited by
It's actually quite easy to code the single sign-on for WordPress. Use the instructions at http://www.question2answer.org/advanced.php

A) Ignore step 3 - use the WordPress database settings from wp-config.php in step 5.

B) In step 7, change null to to 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' (including quotes).

C) Check all is OK down to step 10. You will not have any users until you change the file at step 11:

D) Near the top of qa-external-users.php (e.g line 2 - must be after <?php ), insert:

Change this to match your server. This also works if you put it in the qa-config file instead.

E) About line 118, change the qa_get_login_links function to:
        return array(
            'login' => $relative_url_prefix.'../wp-login.php?redirect='.urlencode('question2answer/'.$redirect_back_to_url),
            'register' => $relative_url_prefix.'../wp-login.php?action=register&redirect='.urlencode('question2answer/'.$redirect_back_to_url),
            'logout' => $relative_url_prefix.'../wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect='.urlencode('question2answer/'.$redirect_back_to_url)

Make sure you change question2answer to the directory you installed Question2Answer!

F) About line 203, change qa_get_logged_in_user function to:
        global $current_user;
        if ($current_user->ID > 0)
            return array(
                'userid' => $current_user->ID,
                'publicusername' => $current_user->display_name,
                'email' => $current_user->user_email,
                'level' => ($current_user->user_level==10) ? QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN : QA_USER_LEVEL_BASIC
        return null;

There is more scope with level if you have different user levels, but this works fine for most installs.

G) About line 297 change qa_get_user_email function to:
        global $user_info;
        return $user_info->user_email;

[Note: edited re gidgreen comment below]

H) About line 343 change qa_get_userids_from_public function:
        if (count($publicusernames)) {
            foreach ($publicusernames as $publicusername)
                $escapedusernames[]="'".mysql_real_escape_string($publicusername, $qa_db_connection)."'";
                'SELECT display_name, ID FROM wp_users WHERE display_name IN ('.implode(',', $escapedusernames).')',
            while ($result=mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
        return $publictouserid;

Note that you might need to change the users table name prefix in the SELECT statement (wp_ is standard - but confirm this by checking wp-config.php or your database).

I) About line 425 change qa_get_public_from_userids function to:
        if (count($userids)) {
            foreach ($userids as $userid)
                $escapeduserids[]="'".mysql_real_escape_string($userid, $qa_db_connection)."'";
                'SELECT display_name, ID FROM wp_users WHERE ID IN ('.implode(',', $escapeduserids).')',
            while ($result=mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
        return $useridtopublic;

Again, check the users table prefix in the SELECT statement.

There are other optional functions that might improve your installation, but the above will give you a working platform accessible by your current users (note that users only get listed in the Users display when they have contributed)
Hi Shrewdies, how did you manage to add the wordpress header? I've tried your earlier comment (http://www.question2answer.org/qa/428/how-can-i-integrate-it-with-wordpress#c1623) regarding this, yet that didn't work. Nothing happens, which leds me to believe that the 'get_header()' and 'get_footer()' functions are elsewhere defined? I've searched this site for possible solutions but came up with nothing usable.
@Jura It's probably a path issue. First stage is to make sure Q2A works OK without a WordPress Theme integration. If it does, then coding the path to the WP files in your Q2A theme should follow the same pattern as the path in your Q2A config (Step D in my original answer).

Hint: Unless it's a development site that you want to keep secret until it's finished, put your website in your profile, and I can get a clearer picture.
Please note that, for version 1.3, my solution will fail on the functions at steps H) and I), as these functions are now implemented slightly differently, and $qa_db_connection is not set. This leads to 3 mysql warnings, and a failure to show the user name (though the user_id is set in the database).

You should look at the examples in qa-external-users.php where you will see that the examples have a new second line [$qa_db_connection = qa_db_connection();]. Copy this line from the examples to my functions listed above, and all will be well.