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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
I write what i want :/
Only the modertors and admins can see the wall and only they can write it to there. I want comment about user.

Please say it can be thx to community
Q2A version: Latest

2 Answers

0 votes
Use PM to send comments to use. Disable wall for all users. purpose of wall is diff.
Nope nope nope :(
It is for chatting between moderators

Such as; "He spaming if he did again ban him"
And moderators did it!
0 votes

I think this is an interesting idea and way to re-purpose the wall but it has security implications.   

  • Was the wall designed to be that secure?  
  • What if some admin accidentally opens it up to all users, that might be embarrassing?

It might be best to disable the wall and have a separate admin comments area.

For myself I would like the ability to disable the wall but re-purposing it like that is dangerous.

Side comment: you actually can disable the wall from the settings
Which version of Q&A or where?   I don't see it in 1.6.3.
Check in admin/users: "Enable wall posts on user profiles" I guess it was there in 1.6.3 too. Note that version is 2.25 years old.