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How to create .htaccess file similar to this site frageee.de ??

whenever i type www.fragee.de on browser, it direct me to http://fragee.com, Just like www.twitter.com return to http://twitter.com.

This is very important in SEO. I see few q2a sites on directory are indexed on google both with www and http://, thats not good for pagerank, including my site.

I already set without www on google webmaster but google still indexing www. why? if im not mistaken its because my returning visitors like to type www.mysite.com, i really need to FORCE them to use http:// instead.

I ask my hosting "hostgator" about the issue, but none of their htaccess code works.

Anyone can help me with htaccess similar to fragee.de?


1 Answer

+1 vote

This question on Stack Overflow should help you out. You'll need to have RewriteEngine on on a previous line if it's not there already. Put the code in your .htaccess in the root of your site (i.e. yoursite.com/.htaccess).
