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+3 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Following new changes are required to be addressed in new version..

  1. When answer going long, it show show max 3,4 lines and rest be written as read more option same like quora.. 
  2. In mobile, right click not works in mobile, I've tried alot solutions.
  3. Separate blog same like qna, user be able to submit posts
  4. Direct Google signin/signup option
  5. Built in favicon uploading option from frontend admin panel
  6. User follow system like Twitter to keep more engagement
  7. Core real time notification system instead of email notifications 
  8. Separate public newsfeed like Twitter to make q2a a social platform
  9. Plain 2 color core theme like 

White and green 

White and purple

White and red like quora

  • Instead of private messages option it may be made a proper messenger 
Q2A version: 1.8.6
Many of these are already available as plugins. Immediate update of Q2A is needed if the changes are absolutely necessary for everyone.
suggestions are good but messaging is not that much important in a qna website and following is good idea

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