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+7 votes
in Themes by
edited by


Snow 1.4 is in last stage of production. I am planning to provide a copy for testing the Beta β version to the reputed users only who is running Q2A but not the Store.

I would like to say thanks to all users who is helping in testing the theme, especially gurjyot_singh, waterfront, yerbole89

Interested users, please send me below details on any of my Q2A Market email ID or through Contact form or just PM me here.

  • Question2Answer Username and Profile Link
  • Full Name
  • Country
  • email address
  • Your Q2A Site URL and Name ( this is where you have to run Snow 1.4 )

Please note that, you have to run Snow 1.4 on your existing Q2A site. This will helps to get feedback from your users and also you and I can check it on the live site. This should not affect your data but just the visuals. So if ever you find this beta version has any problem, you can always revert to the current Snow theme or what you are using.

Once theme is ready for testing ( expecting by end of this week) then will send you a copy directly via your email.

Of course! you will get credit for testing including your name and website link. :)

Warning!: Make sure this is the Beta β version and I or Q2A Market is not responsible for any damage happens due to Snow 1.4

If there is a copy you can send out to me then I'm all ready to test on my site. Please do consider.
Hi, I've sent my contact form, hope you can let me test it! Your new theme is awesome! thanks a lot!
Hello guys
Is this project still in progress?
Its been also added on github q2a dev repository. But its with a lot of bugs, and work to fix those bugs is also going on.

1 Answer

0 votes
I've send you my details by contact form.