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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
Is it possible to redirect a user to a particular landing page once a question has been submitted?

1 Answer

+1 vote

use qa_redirect($pagename)



function qa_redirect($pagename="http://myredirectlink.com", $request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
    Redirect the user's web browser to $request and then we're done - see qa_path() for other parameters
        header('Location: '.qa_path($pagename, $request, $params, $rooturl, $neaturls, $anchor));

Is this right?  I think i am not understanding how to use the function?
Hm... you need to learn PHP; what you are doing is redeclaring the function, not calling it.  Just put:


in your code.  Or, just use the inbuilt "header" function:

header('Location: http://myredirectlink.com');

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