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Just found out that the text-cutting dots "..." are not appearing when there is a space in the end of the cut string. Because then it is not 100 chars. So I suggest this tiny improvement:

From line 117:
    // answer snippet
    $answer['acontent'] = qa_substr( strip_tags($answer['acontent']), 0, 100 );
    if ( strlen($answer['acontent']) == 100 )
        $answer['acontent'] .= '...';


    // answer snippet
    if ( strlen($answer['acontent']) > 100 ) {
        $answer['acontent'] = qa_substr( strip_tags($answer['acontent']), 0, 100 );
        $answer['acontent'] .= '...';


Furthermore, if there are no best answers, $sel_count = $row['selected']; at line 97 is empty. To show 0 you can add:

$sel_count = $row['selected'];
if(empty($sel_count)) $sel_count = 0; // added

1 Answer

0 votes

A space character should be counted in the string length, it is not removed. I checked on my site and several snippets show a space on the end before the '...'

I think the problem may be that I only use strlen and not qa_strlen (which checks for multibyte/unicode characters). But I will change it to make it more robust. Thanks for the input.
you are welcome, glad to improve your code a bit.