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+2 votes
in Plugins by
I have single sign on and the best users plugin installed, but it seems to be looking for the db.qa_users table which obviously doesn't exist!

Why isn't single sign on telling the plgin to look for the new table? What file would need to be edited?
Q2A version: 1.5.4

1 Answer

+1 vote
Because when you install Q2A with single singn on it doesnt creates qa_users table but use external site users database.

If you want to use Best users plugin than you need to change query with your SSO users table. However I haven't checked the code yet but it should be the solution.

May be kai can guide you more as he developed this pluing.
Thanks. I've been looking into this but can't see where I would need to change the calls for using external users table?
I need to have a look in to the plugin. I hope Kai will give you some feedback meanwhile I get back to you.
Ok, much appreciate any help on this!
I have go through all files and if I am not missing anything than Kai only use qa_userpoints table to get all points and user id so I think there can be different issue you please provide more specific details. I am sure Kai also will help you soon as he read this conversation.
I get this error when visiting bestusers:

Question2Answer query failed:

SELECT qa2_users.userid, passsalt, HEX(passcheck) AS passcheck, email, level, emailcode, handle, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, sessioncode, sessionsource, flags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(loggedin) AS loggedin, INET_NTOA(loginip) AS loginip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(written) AS written, INET_NTOA(writeip) AS writeip, avatarblobid, avatarwidth, avatarheight, points FROM qa2_users LEFT JOIN qa2_userpoints ON qa2_userpoints.userid=qa2_users.userid WHERE qa2_users.handle='admin'

Error 1146: Table 'mydbname.qa2_users' doesn't exist