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in Plugins by
Iam having a problem understanding number 4 in the install instructions what exactly do I need to change to what?


1 Answer

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you mean "Change language strings in file qa-prevent-simultaneous-edits-lang.php"

This is optional, if you and your forum users do not speak English, you can edit this file in a texteditor and change it to your translation.

Well I tried to to do the required database initialization I keep getting the message:
 ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /edited/index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
well this is not n°4 from the installation instructions :)

>ou mean n°6: Navigate to your site, go to Admin -> Plugins. You will see the notice: 'The Create Table for Simultaneous Edits module requires some database initialization.' → Click on database initialization. Then click button Install.

Btw, the plugin is not accessing "/edited/index.php", do you have another setup of q2a?
the edit is just what I typed in caused I did not want to give out my address at this time also there is no install button only a database initialization button when I click that I get the error...
Maybe database-initialization is not working for you for other plugins at well?

Anyway, create the table manually in mysql/phpmyadmin then (expects that you use prefix qa_ for all your tables):

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `qa_edit_preventer` (
`postid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`accessed` datetime NOT NULL,
`userid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL
No problem with other plugins,I never created a database table manually...