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in Q2A Core by
If I select "I wrote this" on an anonymously-written question, I am then able to edit the question. I would like users to be able to edit their own questions but does it create a security issue if someone claims authorship of a question by selecting "I wrote this"?

2 Answers

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Best answer
You can only see the "I wrote this" button if your IP address matches the person who asked that question. So I don't think you have to worry about other people claiming ownership of a question they did not ask.
Thanks. I totally should have thought about the IP address thing!
Just to make the answer more precise, you only see the button if you have a cookie which matches the cookie of the post's creator. So the matching is not based on IP address but rather on browser cookies.
0 votes
I think you see "I wrote this" by the same IP adress...