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+2 votes
in Plugins by

The default User Points in Q2A is not up to the mark. Mainly the following things lack:

  1. No points for comments
  2. No points for comment upvotes
  3. No points for edits

But I see that this can be done via a plugin. Anyone interested or has any suggestion here?

Q2A version: 1.8
Comment voting is one of the features in roadmap for Q2A 1.8. So wouldn't it be better to wait for it rather than making a plugin for it when the next version to be released is 1.8 ;)
Yes, but I need it for my site and only comment voting is expected in Q2A 1.8. I'm trying to add some custom points like blogs.exams and comment is just a part. Also, anyone can add any other points too - without having to worry about core.

1 Answer

0 votes
Interested, however i did it on my own , as changes in code - working without any problems :)
Yes, but thats an issue when updates come. Core hacks are easy and works fine, but I had trouble when core got updated. Anyway can you say what all extra points you have added- I'm making this plugin without touching the core or even the userpoints table as I expect it to be changed in Q2A 1.8.
Wise words arjun. I'd definitely upvote your comment but I can't :P
Hopefully, Q2A 1.8 should fix it :) But for now this should do - but not advised to try on sites using Top/Best Users per month until month end. @Piotr You may modify this to include the points for Quiz also - it should be easy as I have added the same for my custom Exam plugin.
