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I would like to know if it is possible to extend the email notification service also to the answers and to the comments so administrators, moderators and so on can easly track and moderate new activities.
Plus: is there any way to get an automated notification for comments?

I'm using rss feeds for answers at the moment but they doesn't seem to work as a comment notification
Never mind i found the activity.rss feed to track comments.

However, is there any way to receive this kind of notification by email too ?

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

If you go to "All Activity" there is an RSS feed to subscribe to. You can add this to Google Reader and check it like email. All good email clients will subscribe to RSS too.

If you really want email, try an RSS-to-email service. Feed My Inbox came up top on a Google search.

thanks for the answer, does the feed tracks also edits on comments, answers and question texts?
Yes, it also tracks edits. BTW in version 1.4 (even the developer preview) you can write a simple plugin to send email notifications for other events.
+1 vote
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Hi rosesp,

There is a free plugin called Publish To Email, which I think does almost exactly what you're asking for:

Link to the answer

You just need to specify your Admins' email addresses in the list of notification addresses. I'm the author of this plugin, so if you have any requests or feedback, let me know!

