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is there anything from which Admin can make a new page and then admin can directly upload images on that page and user can see it ?

2 Answers

+1 vote
Sort of. You can create pages in Admin > Pages but you need to enter HTML manually.

There is no uploading of images but you can use the WYSIWYG editor from a question page to upload an image, then use the URL in your custom page.
+2 votes

you can use below plugin.


see demo here, first enable plugin admin->plugins and then try to create page.


It doesn't work. I installed it on my site version 1.7.4. I enabled the plugin from admin->plugins and when I tried to create a page. It doesn't load ckeditor. However it works on the demo site.
check path of plugin /qa-plugin/q2a-ckeditor4-admin/

it should not be like /qa-plugin/q2a-ckeditor4-admin-master/  remove master from name.

also check this plugin folder permissions.