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The AdSense application has been approved, but the ads do not appear. The GALIBA has fallen into the graylist status. You should wait in the help section of the AdSense Help, and the ads will appear automatically if your site meets the requirements. What are your recommendations? I keep adding original content, and I also advertise on AdWords.

Website https://hrsorucevap.online

2 Answers

+3 votes
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Check out this answer on Stack Overflow. It takes up to 24 hours for ads to be displayed.


If 5 days have passed and by the error outputted on your site's console

the server responded with a status of 403

it's most likely your domain hrsorucevap.online has been disabled from serving ads, either by policy violation, inappropriate content, or invalid traffic activity.

Check your email to see if any feedback was sent from the AdSense team, or your notifications on your AdSense account. To access your AdSense notifications follow the following steps: 

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings.
  3. Click Policy center.

More information on AdSense Help.

Thank you for the answer, but it's been 5 days, it does not show up.
I've updated my answer @Emre
no violation was not a problem. Adense violation mail did not come, there is no notification.
When was the 403 error?
The site is working, did you give 403 errors?
If you open Developer Tools and open your console tab, there's an 403 error from AdSense, which means resources were not successfully loaded or blocked, and this usually happens when the account is not ready yet to serve ads or due to domain disabilitation.

Wait a couple more "work" days to see if ads are displayed, if not, get in touch with the AdSense team.

Adsense has not sent me any notifications or violations.
There's no mistake I've noticed.
Maybe we should wait a little longer.
Thank you very much for your interest.
+2 votes
If your site is approved then it will show ads within 24 hrs, sometime it will show within 10min.

If your adsense account is old one, where you can just add sites then no need for site approval. In this case it should show ads within few hrs.
Approved, but no ads appear after 5 days. The same ads appear on my blogger site.
Ok, that is good. have you created new ad unit for this site. Just try one ad unit of size 728x90 and see if it works after few hrs.
yes I tried, no ads size is working.
The blogger does not even run the active ad code on the site.
why blogger is coming into picture?

Can you disable all plugins and check again.
I do not understand you.
Wordpress does not even work on blog ads.
The problem is not in hrsorucevap.online, but in adsense ads :)
Here is one more way to verify if google is serving ads on your site or not.

create dir in site root, pages, create a 2000 word "good content" simple HTML page and place just one ad unit on it. If google is serving ads then we can look into your q2a site.
Do you create an html page with FileZilla program?
Did you want to root html page creation with FileZilla?
I'm using translate.
did you mean?
I did what you meant, but the ads did not show up again.