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How to add "Require" beside the tag field in the asking question page

Q2A version: 1.8.0-beta2

1 Answer

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1) allow tags in "Admin > General".

2) set minimum number of tags in "Admin > Posting" in the field "Minimum number of tags:".

3) if you want to add a red text before the tag's input box, add this css code in your theme:

tr:nth-child(8) > .qa-form-tall-label::after {

    content: "* Required";
    color: red;


if it didn't add text to the right lable, try to decrease or increase the number inside parentheses.

I have added the line :
              tr:nth-child(8) > .qa-form-tall-label::after { content: "* Required"; color: red; }
to the end of the file :

then I updated the line :
    return 'qa-styles.css?' . QA_VERSION;
         return 'qa-styles.css?1' . QA_VERSION;
to force the changes , but nothing happened