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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
this 2 plugin by q2apro. hello q2apro please solve this problem

when you will click on the plugin options of this 2 plugin the whole website stop working for 1 to 2 minitues.
I upgraded to 1.8.3 from 1.8.0 but there were problems on 1.8.0
Okay. Something is not clear. It is really hard to debug as site goes down.
What is this error?
PHP Question2Answer MySQL query error 2006: MySQL server has gone away - Query: SELECT qa_users.userid, passsalt, HEX(passcheck) AS passcheck, passhash, email, level, emailcode, handle, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, sessioncode, sessionsource, flags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(loggedin) AS loggedin, loginip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(written) AS written, writeip, BINARY avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, avatarwidth, avatarheight, points, wallposts FROM qa_users LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints ON qa_userpoints.userid=qa_users.userid WHERE qa_users.userid='1', referer https://          /admin/plugins
I think the problem is the plugins are raising a large number of MySQL requests so that the MySQL server goes down. In my MySQL process list I can see about 50 sleep queries and they keep on running till MySQL timeout setting. But the hard thing is this is not directly caused by any plugin code -- might be some bug from some setting.

1 Answer

+1 vote
I have noticed the same once in a while. Reported as bug: https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/issues/742

Not easy to fix since the error logs are empty :(
Most likely this will become a problem for sites that actively use AJAX and make several simultaneous requests. The easiest way to solve this problem is to call the session_write_close () function as soon as all the required changes to the session have been made, preferably closer to the beginning of the script. You can also use another session mechanism that supports concurrent access.

It follows: situations in which simultaneous access to a session is blocked always occurred with any hoster.
I connected an additional service  Redis on the hosting and it completely solved the problem
hello, q2a pro how to solve this problem?
Please see the GitHub thread. It is answered there.