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+1 vote
in Plugins by
iam installed q2a pro cache plugin, my website shows like " This page is not working"

but if i uninstall cache plugin, website working fine.

plugin link: https://github.com/q2apro/q2apro-caching

screen shot: https://prnt.sc/r5wrbt

2 Answers

0 votes
Q2A has a cache option in the system already.
0 votes
That plugin is no longer supported by the new versions of Q2A not being updated.

Why don't you use the Q2a Core system cache.

You find it in the administrator menu of Q2A version 1.8.3

You just have to create a directory for the file system cache to work for you.

And modify in your file qa-config.php

adding the line

define ('QA_CACHE_DIRECTORY', 'cache');

For example I have a directory named cache in the root of my site

And it is the one that works as such with Q2A