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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
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Q2A have high performance issue due to Table Locking.

During locking all select sql query goes in wait status and effecting heavily on performance of q2a.
Q2A version: 1.8.5

1 Answer

0 votes
Convert all tables to innodb.
already done that. Still having the issue
The table is not locked with innodb. Only the line is locked. Have you uninstalled any other plugins and tried them out?
I am not using any third party plugin except q2a plugins.

I found the following in performance schema when the issue occurred:

LOCK TABLES qa_blobs WRITE, qa_cache WRITE, qa_categories WRITE, qa_categorymetas WRITE, qa_chat_kicks WRITE, qa_chat_posts WRITE, qa_chat_users WRITE, qa_contentwords WRITE, qa_cookies WRITE, qa_eventlog WRITE, qa_iplimits WRITE, qa_mamlmConfirm WRITE, qa_messages WRITE, qa_options WRITE, qa_pages WRITE, qa_postmetas WRITE, qa_posts WRITE, qa_posttags WRITE, qa_sharedevents WRITE, qa_tagmetas WRITE, qa_tagwords WRITE, qa_titlewords WRITE, qa_userevents WRITE, qa_userfavorites WRITE, qa_userfields WRITE, qa_userlevels WRITE, qa_userlimits WRITE, qa_userlogins WRITE, qa_usermeta WRITE, qa_usermetas WRITE, qa_usernotices WRITE, qa_userpoints WRITE, qa_userprofile WRITE, qa_users WRITE, qa_uservotes WRITE, qa_widgetanyw WRITE, qa_widgets WRITE, qa_words WRITE

due to which all read operation goes in wait status for a  long duration