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[useful plugin] Olny show answers to login user or user point over threshold. see demo:http://ostack.cn/
Through this plugin you can got:
1.More register users
2.More question and answers
3.Keep your answer from theft by robots
This plugin is only $20(USD) , if you want this please contact: 316848526@qq.com

picture cut:

question view page:

Admin plugin config page:

waiting , thanks
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I have done, but i don't know how to visit as a SE bots.
Is there anyone can tell me the way to do this or give me test on my site http://ostack.cn
use google search console , and try to get url as google bot
You can use browser extensions (e.g. User-Agent Switcher for Firefox) to manipulate the user agent string presented to the remote site. However, if a search engine can see the answers, so can anyone else who goes through these motions. Experts-Exchange tried this, and failed.
Making answers visible to search engines, but trying to hide them from people browsing the site unless they sign up is a UI dark pattern, and I strongly recommend people stay away from this garbage.

1 Answer

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The plugin develop have finished

Anyone want it can contact me with email:316848526@qq.com