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How i add Source Editing Area for wysiwyg editor?
Q2A version: 4.16
The sole purpose of a WYSIWYG editor is to not have that. If you want source editing I'd suggest you switch to a markdown editor instead.
It'll be required incase we want to add html tags which are not supported by editor which unfortunately is not so uncommon. ckeditor does have a "source" button for editor and this can be used for this.
"It'll be required incase we want to add html tags which are not supported by editor"

Like I said, switch to a markdown editor instead. The ability to include inline HTML is already part of markdown (https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#html).
But markdown can't replace HTML  Having questions and answers in pure HtML avoids the requirement to handle markdown syntax when exporting Q2A contents -- to PDF for example.
If you want to do the export directly from the backend, yes. If you want to do it from the (web) frontend the markdown has already been rendered into HTML. Also, the purpose of markdown is not to replace HTML. It's a format to write content that can be easily translated into HTML while still remaining easy to read (and write) for humans.
Here is an answer that should fix the issue. Let me know if it doesn't work in the current Q2A version. https://www.question2answer.org/qa/42919?show=42922#a42922

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