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+6 votes
in Plugins by

Just a quick announcement to say I've update the Markdown editor plugin! It uses the latest "PageDown" version for the client-side editor, and I switched to a different PHP Markdown parser (cebe/markdown) which is much faster and uses better PHP code. Requires PHP 5.4.

It's also possible to extend it yourself if you so wanted by adding functions to the MyMarkdown.php class (see the cebe/markdown repo for details on how extending works)

Markdown Editor v2.5 available here

Answer below if you find any problems.

It will be better if this plugin is added for creating pages.
@proThoughts you mean creating new Questions or creating Custom Pages in Admin? Wait till July 4th, my new editor will do both.
@donshakespeare, thanks! released your plugin?
I got blown up by fireworks here atop them mountains. Will be down to a desk soon. :)

1 Answer

0 votes
Just a quick note: v2.5.1 was released recently with URLs now being auto-linked.
Do you added the image support?