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in Q2A Core by
during the day I try to fix the problem in sending mail, try to find the error by checking the log and try to repeat the installation of the application, but all with the same problem, the script can not send an email message confirming registration and email feedback

I'm using nginx web server and email server namecheap, try to use only ipv4 settings, but still can not send email
and try to use ipv6 and change the google apps email server, since mx records on namecheap not support ipv6, still did not fix the email

at the first try applications using Q2A stable 1.5.4, all running the registration confirmation email has been sent successfully
but after changing the domain, and repeat all instructions including install web server and database, email does not work

I have try with dev version 1.6

please for the developers, to fix the problem on email

When you use these applications on web hosting with cpanel, maybe the problem will not show up, but when you use it on a stand-alone web server as vps server then you will find problems on this email

just do not know what the problem of this email
Q2A version: 1.5.4 stable, and 1.6 dev

1 Answer

0 votes

You don't say if you are using smtp (set up in the Q2A admin panel) or not.

If not, Q2A uses php for mails out (via Phpmailer), so you need to have a proper mail sending system configured locally.

You should have, to start with, some "sendmail_path" entry in you phpinfo() with proper email configured in the php.ini

Alternativelly, if this not already the case, you may try to set up an external smtp via the Q2A admin panel, by using say an Gmail account at least for test . Note though that I haven't tested the external SMTP capability myself with Q2A, but this really is a common use of Phpmailer or I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

Hope this helps