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in Plugins by
Hi, my site running out of CPU due to SPAM huge spam posts by Indian Spammers :( Almost thousand of spam posts like this "love problem solution in delhi, india +91-9680255300" has been posted just in 2 days :( and i have blocked many ip addresses with no success.

So, this could be a very good idea if we can make a bad-word filter, so if a user post contain "love problem" then the post will not publish.... Need kindly urgent help .. Thanks

* I am also using cAptha module.
Q2A version: lates

1 Answer

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You can do this with a filter plugin. Use the filter_question function then check $question['content'] for the spam keywords.

Thats great, i read the documentation here http://question2answer.org/modules.php?module=filter but can't understand where to use this function? Can you please add some detail info. Thanks
Read through the plugins page and tutorial, http://question2answer.org/plugins.php
Hopefully should make sense.