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Notice: Undefined index: title in qa-include/pages/admin/admin-pages.php on line 529









I'm getting the following error while visiting Admin > Pages (I've installed Badges, On-Site-Notifications and Blog additionally)

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм/qa-include/pages/admin/admin-pages.php on line 529

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм/qa-include/pages/admin/admin-pages.php on line 534

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм /qa-include/pages/admin/admin-pages.php:529) in /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм/qa-include/qa-page.php on line 220

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм /qa-include/pages/admin/admin-pages.php:529) in /home/edusters/public_html/ιнaveѕolved.coм/qa-include/qa-page.php on line 377

Q2A version: 1.7
I removed the blog plugin (https://github.com/arjunsuresh/qa-blog-post) and now the message gone!

But I want blog feature!

Is it a good idea to ignore the error message and use the blog plugin since the error is only on the 'Admin page > pages'?

1 Answer

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Yes that notice is stemming from here: https://github.com/arjunsuresh/qa-blog-post/blob/master/qa-edit.php#L38

That function is supposed to return an array with a 'title' index, but it doesn't and causes the notice when Q2A tries to use it.

I just opened a ticket on their Github repo, so hopefully arjunsuresh will fix it: https://github.com/arjunsuresh/qa-blog-post/issues/1
Thanks. I have corrected the issue. But this is a very limited blog option and I personally do not use this now.
So what is the better one now?