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in Q2A Core by

Very many times I see an email notice about a new registered user.  I click on the email link and then Q2A reports:  Page not found.

I assume that they are spammers that they delete their profile after they realize that posts are strictly moderated and stand no chance to post anything.

However today I happened to be on my email inbox, I noticed the moment a new notification email came, I immediately clicked on it and again I saw the "Page not found".  How can the user have deleted his profile so quickly?  Maybe there is some other situation here?
Q2A version: 1.7.4
What is the link that comes through on the email? Is it the correct format for your site?
Yes, it is the correct format.  When I click it it takes me to the q2a site.  The problem is that the user does not exist any more.

Here is a typical link:  https://website.com/q2a-forum/user/HarryHullock

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