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in Plugins by
I have been using PHP 7.3 version just because Google Captcha default plugin in Q2A does not work with 7.4 version. But since PHP 7.3 is no longer supported after 6 December 2021, it isn't safe to use 7.3 for the security of the site.

When using captcha on php 7.4, it just keeps giving this error "Please complete the anti-spam verification", even when Google shows a green tick sign next to "I am not a robot" when you click it.
Q2A version: 1.8.6
After researching a little, it seems I have to enable allow_url_fopen in php.ini for recaptca to work, which I think isn't safe. I will try to modify the plugin code for this to work without allow_url_fopen.
Does anyone have code for cURL method for recaptcha?
What value have you set to the allow_url_fopen setting in your php.ini files? (Please, check both of them)
I decided not to enable "allow_url_fopen" in php.ini due to security risk. I replaced the Google recaptcha plugin with q2apro-stop-spam-master plugin.

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