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+1 vote
in Plugins by
Why in new version of Q&A plugin not work in admin panel only blank page. I cant set Facebook login for same...
Q2A version: 1.4.3

2 Answers

+1 vote
Can you please explain more?
When I open the plug-in in the admin panel, I get a blank page, as if that part is not connected to the database because it does not appear any error. I'd like to set up Facebook login, but I do not have access to plug-ins
I think something is missing. Did you installed the script truly?
+2 votes
Check your php error log first to see if there are any error messages (you have to set up error logging in php.ini)

If you can't get error messages, at least try moving plugin folders out of the qa-plugin directory one by one until the problem is gone; then you know which plugin is causing the problem.
Ok, i'l try...