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Is there any way (plugin) to store uploaded images as normal files in a specified directory instead of uploading them to DB as blob objects?
Q2A version: 1.8.3
I've specified

define('QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY', __DIR__ . '/uploads/');

in qa-config.php

But nothing changed. This folder is writable by q2a.
Better have a folder that is outside of Q2A installation, and the path must be a full path. For a typical shared hosting plan, the path can be something like   /home/bigboy123/uploads
Thanks, I'll try putting it outside q2a. Path is full now, but images are still in blob ((
Go to your admin/stats (if memory serves me right), and push the button to move images to local drive. In the future, ^blobs will still contain blobids that link to the local files. But the files are indeed in a local drive.

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