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in Q2A Core by
Hi all!

Is is possible to stop conversion of tags to lower case, so they could be used as is?

There are several places where qa_strtolower is invoked for tags (for instance, in qa-app-posts.php), but I'd like to avoid massive modifications in the code.

Anw hints?

Thanks in advance for help!
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The feature was proposed as a candidate to be included into the future developments plan - http://www.question2answer.org/qa/31514/what-do-you-want-in-question2answer-1-7?show=33341#a33341
See also the related question http://www.question2answer.org/qa/33690/why-tags-convert-to-lowercase-in-q2a
Version 1.7 doesn't support case-sensitive tags :(

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