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+26 votes
in Themes by
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version 1.0
version 2.0 (2nd Gen) - Latest

Frapuchino, a Shape-Shifting Material Design Theme.

For those who acquired Frapuchino during the pre-release season, please check your email and spam boxes. A "Care-package" has been sent to you. xD

Thank you for being awesome. Welcome to the ship! :)

(Pre-release discount has now expired)

Carefully engineered

Based on collected data and attributes from our previous theme Muffin, Frapuchino was born. 

The theme was created almost like a Web App, with motions that focus our attention and maintain continuity through subtle feedback and coherent transitions.

Colors, components and User Experience

Frapuchino is no different than Muffin when it comes to User Experience. This is the foundation and main concept of their core.

Color, components and their placements do far more then just please the eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, focus and a graphic interface that immerse the user experience.

Live Preview - Frapuchino Online
Purchase theme - Buy Frapuchino

Shape Shifting

Swap from normal list to grid list with thumbnails with ease.


Screenshot 1 - Normal list page 
Screenshot 2 - Grid list with thumbnails
Screenshot 3 - Single Page question
Screenshot 4 - User profile page 
Screenshot 5 - Mobile screenshots

Live Preview - Frapuchino Online
Purchase theme - Buy Frapuchino

I really liked your work. Desktop version is mind-blowing but mobile version is not similar to destop
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Thanks for the feedback @esqeudero and @j.kargo :)
I want to purchase your Frapuchino Theme. But before buying this, I have a question, I have two websites. Now could you please tell me, can I use this theme in my both websites after purchasing one time?
As long as they're both websites owned by you, there shouldn't be any problems.

8 Answers

+1 vote
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Best answer

Frapuchino 2.0 (2nd Gen) has arrived!

Live Preview - Frapuchino Online
Purchase theme - Buy Frapuchino

Aven theme 1.2 screenshots

With the new responsive mobile design, Mobile X is no longer part of this theme package.
Don't worry, if you acquired Aven before today, you will still get free theme updates for Mobile X.

Mobile X is now an individual theme, and can be purchased as a single item in the Gold Developer shop.

Live Preview - Frapuchino Online
Purchase theme - Buy Frapuchino

You’re a genious! Consider me onboard with the Freemium

That Frapuchino Mobile looks delicious!
Thanks a lot @dzzjj :)
Great work :) My site is just ready to use this theme. Will try in next couple of days
hello gold developer nice Theme!
Long time no update in muffin theme.
I am expecting some new feature in muffin theme.
Nice theme and price is not so high for this quality.  Bookmarked :)
what about RTL , do you have demo for that
+2 votes

Hi. I bought the frapuchino theme, it looks amazing!!!

I have a question. How to have sidebar like demo?

Yeah, I forgot to add that as documentation. I'll create a post later today explaining how, when I get more time.
+3 votes
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To add custom HTML widgets, navigate to:
Admin > Layout > Custom HTML in sidebar box on every page

To use these custom widgets, you just have to wrap your text inside the following bit of code:

<div class="card card2">
    Your Text Goes Here.

Change or remove the card2 part, to change colors:

card / white-card = White color
dark-card = Frapuchino Blue Gray 
card2 / gradient-green-blue Green & Blue, Gradient
card3 / gradient-orange-pink  = Orange & Pink, Gradient

The Buttons inside Custom HTML Widgets

There's 2 options of buttons to be used inside the widgets:

Normal Button (green) = <button type="button">Button</button>
And Neutral Button (grey) = <button type="button" class="neutralBtn">Neutral Button</button>

How to have multiple widgets like the demo?

Just pile them up on top of each other:

<div class="card">
    Your Text Goes Here.

<div class="card card2">
    Your Next Goes Here.

This doesn't work anymore with 2.0
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My bad, I forgot to update this as well
Ok with the new css tags it works! ;)
+2 votes

Hi. I bought the frapuchino theme aslo yestoday, it looks very confortable,  i will create some contents after a few days, maybe it should be looks very substantial, thanks ""

0 votes
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Hi .I want to buy theme.

will it be easy to install a theme?

will it be possible to remove the option to look like a grid?
Hey there tastytim,
Yes, the theme is pretty much plug and play. Any additional requirements are in a file called read me instructions.

The ability to disable grid list will be available on the next theme update, which I'm currently working on. But at the moment there's no option to disable it.

(Sneak peak: https://twitter.com/TweetChun/status/1252767311091597312/photo/1)
0 votes
Hi :)

I installed the plugin. Everything is fine except the user avatars in the below plugin. If you can please confirm this is an issue with the plugin, I can see to it. It looks like a theme issue.

Very bad to hear that you face such scenario.
Would you please like to work on this plugin, and if you don't like to upload it on github then you may PM me the link and I can get it from there.

Hope you would start!
Sure. I'll let you know.
Thanks Arjun for accepting my request!

Hello, I also installed this plugin, but I am using Turkish language, I could not find where it is pulling this date event.
0 votes
Hello, I like your themes, I want to buy them, but Paypal is prohibited in Turkey, so I can't buy them. Can you help me? I also wrote to you by mail, I will be glad if you answer.

Purchasing Gold-developer themes in Turkey is now possible via wise.com (the old transferwise.com) . If you're really interested in purchasing any of my themes, please send me a direct message and I'll provide you with the rest of the information you need to complete the purchase. Regards.
0 votes
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I want to purchase your Frapuchino Theme. But before buying this, I have a question, I have two websites. Now could you please tell me, can I use this theme in my both websites after purchasing one time?
As long as they're both websites owned by you, there shouldn't be any problems. Cheers!