You'll need to check if the user is Logged in/Registered with a qa_is_logged_in() statement. If they are, display the content normally, if not, output a message incentivize them to do so.
Open your qa-theme,php file , and paste the following code:
public function a_item_content($a_item)
if (!isset($a_item['content'])) {
$a_item['content'] = '';
$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-content qa-post-content">');
if (!qa_is_logged_in()) {
$this->output('You must <a href="'.qa_path('login').'">Login</a> or <a href="'.qa_path('register').'">Register</a> in order to view this answer!');
} else {
This assuming you don't have a a_item_content() function in this file already. If you have, just make the adjustments based on the code above.
Should look something like this: