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in Q2A Core by
I commetd line 406 in qa-page-question.php to count all page view:

/*    if (
        qa_opt('do_count_q_views') &&
        (!$formrequested) &&
        (!qa_is_http_post()) &&
        qa_is_human_probably() &&
        ( (!$question['views']) || ( // if it has more than zero views
            ( ($question['lastviewip']!=qa_remote_ip_address()) || (!isset($question['lastviewip'])) ) && // then it must be different IP from last view
            ( ($question['createip']!=qa_remote_ip_address()) || (!isset($question['createip'])) ) && // and different IP from the creator
            ( ($question['userid']!=$userid) || (!isset($question['userid'])) ) && // and different user from the creator
            ( ($question['cookieid']!=$cookieid) || (!isset($question['cookieid'])) ) // and different cookieid from the creator
        ) )


return $qa_content;

But now i want only view from new session counted in page view statistics. For example if a person connect from one ip but using two browser (created two session), viewing from both browser counted.


Thanks in advance.
Q2A version: 1.5.4

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