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I need to Moderate again question if user edit question. How to ? my mean after each edit question, question  moderate/approved by moderator/admin.

Q2A version: 1.5.4 _ 1.6.2

1 Answer

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In Q2A 1.6.x there's a "Re-moderate posts after editing" settings in the Spam section of the admin panel.
Yes. But This Option not worked.
It only applies to authors who are subject to moderation in the first place. Does that explain the issue?
sorry you right. i dont set point for approval question. this worked perfeclty.
Im using 1.6.3. I'm very confused because I don't see these moderation options on the Admin > Spam page. The only two options I see are:
-Enable moderation (approval) of users:
-All new users must be approved:

Could somebody explain what this means and how to set it: "It only applies to authors who are subject to moderation in the first place."

Is there something I'm missing? I need to maintain very strict quality on the site so everything posted (question/answer/edit) needs to be moderated before appearing on the site. Any help greatly appreciated!
Admin ---> Spam ---> "Use moderation for users with few points" ---> "Re-moderate posts after editing"
It applies (the re-moderation) to users who have less than X points, where X is the value that you have set in the field ("points") used by "Use moderation for users with less than"