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When I put any html or script in sidebar it does not work.

For example: I put google adsense code and it does not work.

Iam reasking this> Any help please.

Thanks in advance

2 Answers

+1 vote
Are you talking about putting this code into the custom sidebar, via the Admin panel in the demo.question2answer.org site? If so the problem will be because that site removes any Javascript in the content pasted, for security. This won't happen in your own installation of Q2A.
No, it happened to my own site. NOT the demo site.
Please post a link so I can take a look. This should not be a problem and I've certainly seen Q2A sites using Adsense successfully.
Here is my site. it is Arabic but you can see the white spaces on the side and top of the website which should be occupied with google adsense.

I can see it - did you paste the Adsense code exactly as it came from Google's interface? If so you should contact Google to ask them why - it's hard to see how this would be a consequence of using the Adsense with Q2A.
Do you have any website using google adsense correctly?
+2 votes

The Adsense code is definitely on the page (view the page source for yourself, you will see it). So the problem could be any of these:

  1. You copied the code incorrectly.
  2. Your Adsense account has not been approved yet.
  3. Your account is new and there are no adverts to serve yet. Particularly on foreign-language sites, Google may not have many ads it can show.
  4. There is a problem with the template and the ads are being hidden or obscured in some way (unlikely).
I know that and i see the adsense code before. But:
1- I have copied the code correctly
2- My adsense account has been approved 2 years ago
3- The same adsense code works on my other websites!
"The problem maybe with the template or google may not have ads to show"
BUT I found recently that any SCRIPT does not NOT ONLY adsense??

Any help