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+5 votes
in Q2A Core by
I need to remove features like removing points and votes as my project doesn't need that. Also i need to know how the tables are dynamically created when i install Q2A. Also, I need to modify those tables. I need to restrict the some users only to post and others to only answer. How do i achieve all these. Kindly help me

1 Answer

+2 votes
> I need to remove features like removing points and votes as my project doesn't need that.

You can set all point to 0 value. for removing votes admin->viewing->voting options.

> Also i need to know how the tables are dynamically created when i install Q2A. Also, I need to modify those tables.

what is the purpose of this?

>I need to restrict the some users only to post and others to only answer.

check admin->permissions for question, answer and comment.
> Also i need to know how the tables are dynamically created when i install Q2A. Also, I need to modify those tables.
i need to add some columns to the tables.Mainly 4 tables(users,questions,answers,tags) is enough. And in each table some columns are enough. How do i achieve it? Kindly help me