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+5 votes
in Plugins by

Hello there, I've had a few hours to kill so I've created a better directory for themes and plugins. see the Demo.


  • It will be open source and others can create their own curated list based on it and publish it or push their changes to main repository. see Github Repo.
  • It offers Search, Filtering, and sorting for Plugin and Theme Lists
  • it's responsive, with a single page design

I've only been able to add official list of addons to this page. there are a lot of addons out there that are not yet been indexed in Q2A's addon page. I hope that developers and contributors will help me complete this list.

To be done:

  • Complete the lists with all themes and plugins
  • Use JS to load list(from json files) instead of php, so it can be used as a static html page.

Feel free to vote on the Selected Answer bellow to choose policy regarding favoring open source projects in the list or not.

Thanks and have a good day, Towhid


1 Answer

+2 votes
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Best answer

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Treat open source addons, and their developers better than premium addons and their developers:

  • Only Open Source addons will be marked as starred
  • Premium themes and plugins won't be mentioned as contribution for service providers

Down-vote this answer to:

Treat closed sourced addons and free and open source ones as equals.

  • Best premium addons can be starred too
  • Premium plugins will be added to service providers contributions list
From my point of view I really don't mind if premium plugins are displayed or not. It just depends on whether you want to create a plugin database or if you're focused on distributing them. Regarding starring (ratings, I guess?), I think only publicly accessible plugins should actually be rated because, otherwise, there is no way for you to tell if a user really has the plugin or not
I agree, also it shouldn't be that hard to create one capable of allowing user votes and send reviews too.