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in Q2A Core by
Hi All,

May I know how to make answers visible only after clicking on answer button.

Suppose a question has one or more answers but I don't want users to see those answers immediately after the question. They should try to think themselves before checking the answer.

Please let me know if this is possible.

Website : http://iavinash.com/forum
A user opens a question and sees no answer. Clicks the answer button. All answers appear. The user has access to all answers just with a click. I don't see any thinking in there
Hi, just see this url http://iavinash.com/forum/132/difference-delegate-response-transfer-notification-ownership

Here answer is available below question without clicking on answer button.
I think you didn't get my comment. I will rephrase it. You said your objective is to make people think before reading the answers. Assuming you apply your own suggestion... what thinking will require clicking on a button? None. That will only make navigation more complex
I got you now thanks man, but there is a genuine reason behind that objective. If you have any solution can you please share.
You could develop a plugin with a layer (http://docs.question2answer.org/plugins/layers) that injects some JavaScript that hides the answers client-side and then makes them visible when clicking the answer button
What will be the advantage of this?

1 Answer

0 votes
it is not workinng
What's the error you got?
Nothing change nothin appears
can you told we what will happen what change can i see in my page something like readme and photo please