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Want to reduce size of text in question and answers. I've mathjax plugin which has content formatting option but that does not work. 
I have seen these two post by @pupi1985 question title background color and change color of question text . So I tried according and changes do not reflect. 

I have added this code in qa-style.css inside donute theme:

.qa-template-question .qa-main-heading {
    /*<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arial+Serif" rel="stylesheet"> */

font-family: 'Arial', serif ;
font-size: 14px ;
line-height: 1.4285 ;
font-style: normal ;
background-color: #eff0f1 ;

.qa-q-view-content {
    color: red;

Why this code does not reflect? Anything wrong with code or the code should be in other file but not in this file?

Could you please resolve this. 
Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

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Add them to css/donut.css (if you have not enabled production mode) or css/donut.min.css (if you have).

In order to reduce the font-size of the question title you need to add this instead:

.qa-template-question .page-title h1 {
  font-size: 80%;
Thanks pupi, I tried to add on qa-theme/Donut-theme/css/donut.css and qa-theme/Donut-theme/css/donut.min.css one by one, but still code does not reflect.
Why? What is enabled production mode here?  Thank you.
Production points to the "min" version of the file. I tool a look at your site. You're pointing to the "min" version so you should have that flag set. However, I can confirm you have not added that to the file, as I don't see it there. You must have another issue (you're not updating the file properly or you're updating another file).
I had removed that when it was not working. Now I've added on qa-theme/Donut-theme/css/donut.min.css and updated this file. Is it ok, now?
I can check that

.qa-q-view-content {
    color: red;
Working, but other code for answer body is not working. @Pupi1985 , why should I add for formatting answer content explicitly in the above code. Thank you.
The title has a different selector in the Donut theme. Check the answer again and apply that instead of the ".qa-main-heading" one.
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Thanks @pupi1985 , I have just added on qa-theme/Donut-theme/css/donut.min.css :

font-size: 15px;
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
    background: #f5f5f5;
font-family: 'georgia', serif ;
font-style: bold ;
line-height: 1.4285 ;

.qa-c-item-content {
    font-size: 12px;

This is working fine. Thanks for hints, you are nice teacher to me.