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I have created a category "QWERTY" and I want that questions from this category will be showing only on the page of this category (http://localhost/?qa=questions&qa_1=QWERTY) and not on "recent", "hot" etc.. I changed the code from qa-theme-base.php from

function q_list_item($question)
$this->output('&ltdiv class="qa-q-list-item'.rtrim(' '.@$question['classes']).'"&gt');


$this->output('&lt/div&gt <!-- END qa-q-list-item -->', '');


function q_list_item($question)
if($question['categoryname'] != "QWERTY") {
$this->output('&ltdiv class="qa-q-list-item'.rtrim(' '.@$question['classes']).'"&gt');


$this->output('&lt/div&gt <!-- END qa-q-list-item -->', '');

But it not works. Why? Help me, please.
Thank you for advance.

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