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I have seen Quizx plugin is there but have not seen any demo site using it , any link given there for example is all dead links. I want question n answer to be same as it is, i have article blog plugin installed too , now i want extra link which says like "Quiz" and if user click on it they can see quiz home page, is there any quiz plugin seperate with core site, so user can switch between Q&A, Blog, Quizz in same site.

Quizx talks about transforming existing site to quiz, i don't want to distrub existing site but want extra link which opens "Quiz" kind of questions with multiple choice answers

Any body can help please?
You can create a demo site under a subfolder or with subdomain to test whatever plugins you come across.

For Quiz subpage, you can create a folder named quiz, then installed another Q2A package with the same USER database. In your Quiz installation, use only One plugin by Q2apro.
If you are the only one who write blogs. Create a folder named blog, and install Wordpress there. If you want your users to write blog posts, don't install Wordpress. Instead, install just another Q2A package with the SAME USER database, and do not use Q&A microdata Structured Data markup scheme.
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Hi Thanks for ur reply. I already have qnA and blog active website, now i  have installed another subdomain with QnA package see link  below,  but this is pointing to another database.
So blah.com  >>-pointing to database 1
subdomain ie Second Q&A package ie blah.com/quiz >> pointing to database 2
So when i post the quiz in blah.com/quiz will it not break the existing posts or functionality of site.  I also want once user login to koblahlogs they are also kept logged in for blah.com/quiz
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I also want 4th link in site which takes to something like "Interview Questions" like https://www.fullstack.cafe/, so this would also require pointing to same database, is it? But how do i show the answers in question list page itself like in this page itself  , I know u said earlier to hide user picture, stats, tags etc if needed. But i also want add to pdf options and download option.
Kodlogs.com/quiz should have the same database with kodlogs/qa, also with the same user table. User table is qa_users. Kodlogs.com/qa post table is qa_posts. Kodlogs.com/quiz post table is quiz_posts
so quiz_posts table is automatically created by quiz plugin?
No. You change in the qa_config file before installing.
the qa_config.php inside /quiz folder
For Kodlogs.com/interview you can install just another Q2A package. Whether the same database doesn't matter. This plugin is promising https://github.com/arjunsuresh/q2a-book
And it's not necesary you have to install Q2A. Any article CMS will do. Just need one that can be used with PDF exporting feature.
but i need user to be logged into all platform like QA, Blog, Interview, Quizz, if i use another article cms ,users will be not logged in, would they?
As I see in Interview, you only write some articles. Whether users logged in or not doesn't matter. But if you want something tricky like some free interview questions for all, and some quality ones for registered users, then you should use Q2A.

Btw, this is the best thing I can find for you. Use your imagination :
Sorry little bit confused, so for kodlogs.com  one database
same database for kodlogs.com/quiz   , but how the table are different ie qa_post, Quiz_post are we manually creating 2 tables, or do we need to do two installs in each with same database name but different table names you mean?
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You create a folder inside where you installed your main Q2A site, and name that folder quiz. You then download the Q2A package and upload in there. Adjust the configuration file with database, admin, password, shared users table (qa_users), and post-related tables (use the prefix quiz_ instead of qa_ ). If you don't like the prefix quiz_ , you can  use beyonce_, or alaska_ ... Now, browse kodlogs.com/quiz and install a new package. All tables with the prefix quiz_ will be created. Your quiz subpage functions as a "colony" with different posts but the same users.
So here database, admin , password will be same what is being used for earlier existing Q2A website, so we are connecting to same old database but with more tables created as required for Quiz site. So the aim is to connect to old database and also get new tables for Quiz website?? Thanks for all ur answers really appreciate it.
Don't forget the SHARED user table. It's the connection among all Q2A installtions. Just like in Stackexchange or Fandom. I have a site with 10 simultaneous installations.

When you regret buying Blog plugin for 50 bucks, I know you installed properly.

Also, I find Muffin theme not mobile-friendly, you can swipe left or right and the content is wider.
Which theme is better then? In my last question regarding database, is my assumption correct?
Do u mind sharing ur website url?
Yes. The same database info with your main site. In fact, I just copied.

For themes, it's really time-consuming. I'm using Mayro theme, but I have to fix and customize a lot. It's a mashup of 60% Mayro theme, 5% Muffin, and the rest is mine.
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Thanks a lot
How is this site stay in same view but url changes when each questions are clicked, can we achieve this for QA website?
Click on each questions and you see url is change but view is same with that question expanded with answer:

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