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in Q2A Core by
does anybody has a suggestion how to build a query that selects and shows questions with multiple tags as input?

Something like:


In addition it would be good to also exclude tags...

e.g. show all questions with TAG1  but not, if TAG2 is also present...

any idea or script example is welcome :)

2 Answers

0 votes

You'd have to do this in the database, using a JOIN on qa_posttags - there isn't currently a pre-written query in Q2A to do it.

0 votes

I hack the search, because I couldn't see how to add it as an override... the exiating search works as it was like;


But now you can do;


Each tage is separated with a pipe '|'

Open qa-include/qa-page-tag.php find (line 41);

//    Find the questions with this tag

Replace all of the code until the next comment isencountered

//    Prepare content for theme

The code...

    if (!strlen($tag))

    $tags = array();
    if( strpos( $tag, '|' ) !== false )
        $tags = explode( '|', $tag );
        $tag = array_shift( $tags );
    @list($questions, $tagword, $favorite)=qa_db_select_with_pending(
        qa_db_tag_recent_qs_selectspec($userid, $tag, $start, false, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_tag_qs')),
        isset($userid) ? qa_db_is_favorite_selectspec($userid, QA_ENTITY_TAG, $tag) : null
    if( count( $tags ) )
        foreach( $tags as $t )
            @list($q, $t, $f)=qa_db_select_with_pending(
                qa_db_tag_recent_qs_selectspec($userid, $t, $start, false, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_tag_qs')),
                isset($userid) ? qa_db_is_favorite_selectspec($userid, QA_ENTITY_TAG, $t) : null
            //$questions = array_merge( $questions, $q );    
            foreach( $q AS $x )
                foreach( $questions AS $y )
                    if( $x['postid'] == $y['postid'] )
                        break 2;
                $questions[] = $x;
    $questions=array_slice($questions, 0, $pagesize);

