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+3 votes
in Plugins by
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"name": "Categories any where",

"description": "Provides a basic widget for displaying Categories any where",


"version": "1.0",

"date": "2021-03-21",

"author": "Zhao Guangyue",

"author_uri": "https://ostack.cn",

"license": "GPLv2",

"min_q2a": "1.4",

"load_order": "after_db_init"



thank you for sharing
for note , h2 is not good for SEO , need to update
thank for your suggestion and donate

4 Answers

+1 vote
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Best answer

I have update the plugin to support: 

1.limit catetory to show 

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount 

@berzan @MadMadnez  you can reload for github and install it to you site 

sonw flat theme:

donout theme

Do you have a plugin to log in with Facebook and Google?
yes, I have............
0 votes
Thanks , it  looks fine but if you have more than a lot categories it looks bad , can we decide ho many categories or which categories will display?
I will add this function in the net version .
show it by number or by special name , Do you think which is better?
Both of  them are good , thanks a lot again for that great plugin
I have update the plugin to support:

1.limit catetory to show

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount

you can reload for github and install it to you site
0 votes
The plugin doesn't seem to work for me... Do you have any ideas?
first: enable this plugin in admin page [plugin]
second:add widget "category anywhere" in admin page [layout]
Thank you so much! I indeed haven't added the widget in admin page. And now it works.

But I have a question. Did you work on design only for Snow Flat theme? Would you like to make it for Donut theme too? That would be just great! :)
edited by
I did a test on dounut theme , the plug in work like the answer i replay, it is not like the snow flat as this plug in used the theme css, an not define itself
I have update the plugin to support:

1.limit catetory to show

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount

you can reload for github and install it to you site
0 votes
edited by


I did a test on dounut theme , the plug in work like the below pic, it is not like the snow flat as this plug in used the theme css, an not define itself

Yes, it works just fine, thank you. zhao! :) I was asking if you want to adapt this widget css to also look pretty at Donut theme :)
Not in schedule,because :1. I think the theme css has consider it, if I Do a another job it is conflic and not suitable. 2.I can not adapt for all themes
I have update the plugin to support:

1.limit catetory to show

2.use seperator css in order to fit dount

you can reload for github and install it to you site
That is SO COOL!!! THANK YOU so much man!!! I love you
Thanks , now it is so perfect.It works for me when I write category names.
There is a issue like this if you have hidden category i t shows it and if there is "Allow questions with no category" allowed, it shows it empty small box
1:Is hide category set by plugin or by admin permission?
If by another plugin ,I think you should also exclude the category in my plugin parameter, If you use admin permission I think I can FIX it in the next version
2:Do you mean do not show the category which is none questions? can you provide me a pic or your site url?
1-Hide category set by admin permission on admin center/ categories .
2-Also in same section when we check option of "Allow questions with no category" ,  in menu it show emty because there is no name for category.
I can't reproduce this issue,can you show me a picture or url