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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
I don't know if this is some half-implemented feature but when I click on an unanswered question on this site, it scrolls down to the answer box before I can read the question. I'm not clicking anchor links, just the question link.
yes i also face same problem .
one more problem is that when i click on cancel in answer box it redirect to same page again and again .

1 Answer

+2 votes
Yes, this is a bug due to the new Ajax answering code under development for Q2A 1.5 - will be fixed shortly.
... and it should now be fixed.
OK no worries, just wanted to make sure it wasn't me ;)
don't know if you are looking at how I did it at all, but there is a neat jQuery function that checks if the comment form is off-screen and scrolls to put it at the bottom of the viewport (harder than putting it at the top!)