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in Plugins by

In editor, Image upload is not simple: 

Click image icon > popup up opens > click upload > click choose file > select file > click send it to server > click ok > image is inserted in editor.

Is there any way to simply:

Click image icon in editor > select image > it is inserted to post.

No, there isn't.
Try using CKEditor 5. It has a better interface and easy editing features. But you have to make some customizations and edits yourself to make it run on your project since the current version supports CKEditor 4.


you can refer this answer, https://www.question2answer.org/qa/66264/how-to-install-ckeditor-plugins-in-q2a?show=66264#q66264
Thanks. Is that CKEditor5 free? can I download and add in my project?
It's free and open source. But you do have to pay for certain add-ons and extra features in it.

You can go the download section, it will then provide you with the builder through which you can add and remove elements from the editor and download the package.

After that you can check out some answers and try enabling it to your build. I don't have proper knowledge to suggest you how to add it , i have not tried it yet.

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