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in Plugins by
I am using the badges plugin and I think is awesome. Is there any way to add a recent badges widget to the sidebar?
Q2A version: 1.4.3

1 Answer

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Thanks for the feedback :)

This requires event logging of badges, which hasn't been implemented until now.  I've just updated the badges plugin to log badges (requires event logging to database), and added a recent badges widget which requires logging as well.

Update the plugin and let me know if it works.
I updated the plugin, the badges widget title shows but no badges under it.

I did remove all badges from db and then recheck badge awarding - it found 4

Also when I do this there is this php message(it also happened before plugin update):

Notice: Undefined index: location in /home/softworl/public_html/qa/qa-plugin/badges/qa-badge-admin.php on line 928

Notice: Undefined index: name in /home/softworl/public_html/qa/qa-plugin/badges/qa-badge-admin.php on line 928

Notice: Undefined index: name in /home/softworl/public_html/qa/qa-plugin/badges/qa-badge-admin.php on line 928
it will only show for badges actually earned, not for rebuilding - that would flood the history with badges :)

I can't find those notices; do you still get them after updating the plugin?
Maybe we are not taking about the same thing. I was hoping the plugin will show latest badges earned by any member and not by a particular user. Is the number of badges shown configurable?

Notices shows when I am doing the rebuild. It still happened on the updated plugin.
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing, but it would be ridiculous if we were to record manual badge awarding in the event log - on my site that would put >1500 entries into the log, making it pretty useless for other purposes.  Once some of your users actually earn badges, it should log them and show them in the widget.  I can't do better than that, sorry.

I think I have fixed the notices, please update the code again and let me know.
notices fixed

I do appreciate a lot what you are doing and support for Q&A.

Is the widget showing own badges for the logged in user or the latest badges awarded to the community members? how many badges are showing in the widget or it will show them all?
community members; you can set the number of badges via admin/plugins
widget works fine.