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in Plugins by

that seems still unsolved. Some of my users complain that they get logged in and after 2 sec logged out again (a reload of the site appears). Happens with Firefox, but not Chrome. However, for me FF13 is working fine.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if:

FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response) {
           setTimeout("window.location='http:\/\/www.gute-mathe-fragen.de\/'", 100);

could be the cause of the problem? Why is there a reload of the q2a-site? Better to use location.reload();?

Somewhere I found:

window.location = "FBDefault.aspx?id=" + data.d;


And I have the feeling that the issue is connected to "already logged in" state. So I guess we should use: FB.getLoginStatus

more on this: FB login triggers without login button click (stackoverflow) with full solution and a bit more here


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