Update: Here is the premium version of this plugin that brings new features and does not require a cronjob anymore: http://www.q2apro.com/plugins/best-users-pro
I announced the development on 14 Jun 2012, and now about 4 weeks later, after some fixes and several improvements, you get the new plugin :)
Download: Plugin: Best Users per Month (q2a-best-users-per-month)
Please check out the installation instructions!

Running example: Matheforum Gute-Mathe-Fragen.de
- This plugin creates a table "qa_userscores" in your database.
- you should create a monthly cronjob, check instructions.
Things that are missing:
I could not figure out yet how to create the database table from initializing the plugin. For now you have to run the file create_table_qa_userscores.php solved (thanks gidgreen)
The settings are not available in the admin interface. For now you have to change the settings in file qa-best-users-per-month-widget.php
I still need to find the solution of how to add a subnavigation (Best Users) for the page. I know I need a layer.php but the things I tried were not successful. Created a "ticket" here. Solved. Updated to v1.1
Any feedback is welcome, as well as any improvements in the code (esp. adding admin options). You can fork me on github.
I hope you like it. All the best!
Before installing the plugin, please think about your point system (>Admin >Points). The points should not change over time - as the plugin stores the recent userpoints each month. → If you change userpoints later on, the userscores shown by the plugin could vary a lot. See: You should have a fix point system!