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+15 votes
in Plugins by
any one please tell me that how to Add an image upload button in Markdown Editor like stackoverflow ?

Markdown Editor: https://github.com/svivian/q2a-markdown-editor
Q2A version: 1.5
Yes we need an simple but powerful editor like stackoverflow

7 Answers

+5 votes
This is something I am looking into (I am the Markdown editor dev). I may wait for v1.6 to come out though, because it's possible there will be a better way to handle images.
Any updates on this Scott?
Have you done it yet?.
+10 votes
edited by

I've made this myself, took me 2 days and Gideon, sama55 and jatin.soni were very helpful.

Reporting bugs is welcome!

You can download it here .

cool, i'll keep an eye on this space. from our side we just use the forum for internal users only so we don't really have a concern of someone posting a pagefile.sys or anything. having the ability to make the forum hold on to other non-image content would be a huge benefit.
Works great, however when editing the posts the toolbar disappears and I get this error in the console, anyone else getting this?

Uncaught ReferenceError: Markdown is not defined
+2 votes

@ Orunb : Here is a screen shot  

There is an issue with transparent images - I'm working on it. Got it to work but now the whole image is black-and-white.
I'll add some admin stuff if I can too, since the other projects are stuck (I don't know how to proceed).
I've solved the transparency issue, now I'll add some admin stuff, but I can't promise anything.
I updated the link - now transparency is allowed & there is one admin option making the file upload an option rather than the rule.
Working great ;)
+1 vote

Hello! I've just tried you version of Scott's plugin, but can't get it working :( Can you help me please? I have errors in nginx error log:

2789#0: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(../qa-plugin/markdown-editor/pagedown/markdown.min.js): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/www.mydomain.com/qa-plugin/markdown-editor/qa-markdown-editor.php on line 36" while reading response header from upstream, client: x.x.x.x, server: www.mydomain.com, request: "GET /ask HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/tmp/wwwpool.sock:", host: "www.mydomain.com", referrer: "www.mydomain.com/"

File markdown.min.js is in the right directory.
allow_url_fopen is on. May be somethings else I need to configure in my php.ini or nginx conf file?
Did you solve this problem  ?
0 votes

Kudos @scott.

Additional css:

Force large images inside a div or table.Type this in your qa-styles.css

.wmd-preview p img,.entry-content p img  {

modify as you need.
Works well combined with fancybox.js to view the image larger - fancyapps.com



+2 votes

If you want to save images to disk, rather than database, you can download a slightly modified version from here: https://github.com/bvassy/q2a-markdown-editor

Thanks to Scott and Waaaaaaa for the time invested!

This is awesome, thanks so much for this!!

I have a small problem however, the notification emails I get sent have the image link instead of the image itself, would this be an easy fix, do you know?

You're welcome! As for the image link, I don't think it's because of my changes. I'll look into it, although it might take a while because I'm new to Q2A and still learning the system :)
0 votes

This is indeed very good. 

But I am having a slight problem. 
My site uses the rtl language. and this posed some problems. 
1.the icons are on the left side of the editor, instead of being in the right.

2.when I try to use the code icon, for formatting and syntax highlighter, it formats it right to left, when it should be formatted left to right. 

this is how it looks on my site:

how can I fix these ? where should I change?  

Thank you very much 
