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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
Hi Chaps,

I'm new here I've just installed Question2answer to a subdirectory of my domain.

The problem comes with emails sent from the site which aren't happening, if I use my current email address I get NO emails from anything incl feedback form but if I use my old email,
emails send straight away and work fine what I belive may be the problem causing this is that my current email contains a dash '-' so xxxxx-xxxxx@xxxx.com perhaps there's abug in the PHP code which is breaking the mailing with email addresses with dashes?

If you need any more info give me a shout...
Q2A version: 1.6.2
I guess no coders feedback? i guess its sql escaping or some sort of formatting issue,
Searching on-line and echoing the contents of the db it seems that this is either a php or mail server issue as yet no ideas why! :(

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